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Examples: Psalm 27; John 15
love one another; Psalm 23


The Making of a Prince…

Approximately five years ago, I had the opportunity to meet Pastor and First Lady Rodgers from First Baptist Church Crestwood in Chesapeake, Virginia.  They came to The Resurrection Center in Wilmington Delaware to visit the “then” Pastor S. Todd Townsend, Sr.  Pastor Rodgers heard Pastor Townsend on the radio and wanted to prophesy to him.  He was given a message from the Lord to pass on to Pastor Townsend.  I was employed at The Resurrection Center as the Administrative Assistant to Pastor Townsend.

Three years later this prophecy came to fruition.  Pastor Meredith L. Griffin, Jr. was the instrument that was used to further this prophecy.  After spending a very sleepless night and in constant meditation, Pastor Griffin came to Pastor Townsend’s office to tell him that the Lord has told him it was time for him to follow the vision.

Shortly after this occurred, Bishop Ralph Dennis, Senior Pastor of the Kingdom Worship Center and Presiding Prelate of the Kingdom Fellowship Covenant Ministries in Baltimore, Maryland, came to The Resurrection Center to discuss with Pastor Townsend what had been laid on his heart.

In April 2006, Pastor Stacey Todd Townsend, Sr. became Bishop Stacey Todd Townsend, Sr.  The Service of Episcopal Consecration and Ordination was held at Bethany Baptist Church in New Jersey, where Bishop David G. Evans is the Senior Pastor.

In March 2007, Pastor Anthony B. Rodgers, Sr., was appointed Overseer of The Resurrection Kingdom Fellowship of Churches in Wilmington, Delaware.

In February 2008, Overseer Rodgers was elevated to Bishop-designate by Bishop S. Todd Townsend, Sr., Prelate of the Resurrection Kingdom Fellowship of Churches.

Following this appointment, Bishop-designate Rodgers was scheduled to be adjudicated at the Leadership Conference in Baltimore, Maryland in July 2008.  Bishop-designate Rodgers was asked to prepare a lengthy questionnaire pertaining to his life from elementary school to the present.

Also included was the requirement for a credit report, criminal background check, education records, and personal references from bishops and pastors who have known him for at least five years.

He participated, along with other applicants, in lengthy confirmation sessions.

In February 2009, the next phase of the confirmation will be held at the Leadership Conference in Greensboro, South Carolina.

In March 2009, Bishop-designate Anthony B. Rodgers, Sr. will be presented to the Joint College of African American Bishops in Cleveland, Ohio.

We solicit your prayers for Bishop-designate Anthony B. Rodgers and his wife, Elder Darlene Rodgers during this “testing period.”  Bishop Rodgers’ anchor scripture is Psalms 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

We will update you as soon as we are aware of the results of the adjudication.

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